Welcome to Team Peppermint Forest! It’s been a long week of reading through all the amazing pitches. Our wonderful readers have narrowed the slush, and your team hosts have chosen seventy pitches for the agent round. To meet the slush readers and hosts go to this post here. And you can find out more about the participating agents on this post here.
For those of you not familiar with Pitch Madness, it’s a contest where agents compete in a game against their peers for pitches and you can find the rules and instructions of the game here.
I’m co-hosting with the amazing Timanda Wertz! Check out her site and follow her, you’ll be happy you did.
Timenda Wertz
Middle Sschool science teacher, SF/F geek, Ravenclaw, equal parts football & Broadway fan, Pitch Wars MG co-mentor, represented by Elizabeth Kaplan of Kaplan Literary
Scroll down to view all 10 picks for my blog or click on the links to each post …
Middle Grade
W1: MG Adventure: The Candy Cane Conspiracy
W2: MG Paranormal: Spooky Girl
W3: MG Contemporary: Taco Girl
Young Adult
W5: YA Science Fiction: Divine Architects
W6: YA Fantasy: Silver and Ice
W7: YA Fantasy (own voices): The Hiders and the Seekers
W8: YA Social Science Fiction (own voices): The Last Story
W9: YA Science Fiction: The Seven Skies
New Adult/Adult
W10: Adult Science Fiction: Pantheon of Nearer Stars
Comments are set to moderation so the agents won’t see the other agents’ requests. Please no comments other than those from the agents. After the agent round, we’ll release the moderation and let you all comment on the entries.
We’ll reveal the agent requests on March 17 starting at 4:30 Eastern time. All the twitter fun will happen on the hashtag #PitchMadness, where we’ll tweet the results of the agent round.
Join us for the Twitter Pitch Party on March 23 from 8AM to 8PM Eastern time on the hashtag #PitMad. It’s open to everyone!
How do you twitter pitch? You can find all the details here.
A huge HUGE thank you to my team and to the wonderful agents!
Go to all the hosts’ blogs to read more winning pitches …